Monday 20 May 2013

Animal: Twins ! Albino Tiger Python Hatching from the Same Egg!...

Sunday 19 May 2013

Nature: A man stands on his paddle board as a gray whale swims close by in the Klamath River in Klamath, Del Norte County, August 4, 2011...

Animals: The Galapagos tortoise (Chelonoidis nigra)

Is the largest living species of tortoise and 10th-heaviest living reptile, reaching weights of over 400 kg (880 1b) and lengths of over 1.8 meters (5.9ft). With life spans in the wild of over 100 years, it is one of the longest-lived vertebrates. A captive individual lived at least 170 years.

Church: Church of St. George - Mysterious Church! ...

Fishes: Gray Whale in Grice Bay!
 Every year, in late fall, gray whales leave their feeding grounds in Alaska to breed in the warm waters off Mexico's west coast. They return north in the summer, a round trip of some 12,500 miles (20,116 kilometers)...

Photograph By - Flip Nicklin...

Friday 17 May 2013

Animal: A Fully Transparent Rain Forest Frog!! ...

Thursday 16 May 2013

Animal: Coolest Caterpillar I've ever seen. Phyllodes Imperialis!

Nature celebrate Halloween too...

Nature: Incredible shot captured a huge waterspout and lightning at the same time. Pictures were taken at Adriatic sea, Croatia, between islands Hvar and Brac just above village Murvica beach on island Brac...

Amazed: Hundreds of umbrella mushrooms growing in Tree Bark.

Mushrooms that grow on tree bark are spread by wind-blown spores. They usually infect older trees, or trees that have been injured by vandalism, pruning or storms. Boring insects, high winds, fire, ice, lightning and snow all can cause wounds that are susceptible to infection by mushroom spores...

Animals: Awesome story! Scamp saved the life of six kitten stuck inside a box on a mountain of trash. Scamp heard them, tore the box apart and brought them one by one where he now happily lives. Scamp is a former homeless dog, and had only one thought: saving them as himself was saved once.

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